Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Primal Birthday, Me.

And with that, a simple post. I have been primal for 1 year as of today. Stay tuned for a commemorative post, the re-vamp, and the beginning of what I will call 'The Odes.'

Anyone want to make me a very primal treat? *wink*


Kat Thibeault said...

awesome, I JUST read an article about the "cave man diet" this doubt much the same, I'm thinking today is a great day to start myself, on your primal birthday! Tis me, Aunt Kathy!~ Happy Birthday!

Shaleah said...

Auntie, you GOT it! I'll be 100% proud and behind you on this one! Welcome to the AWESOME side... ;) and check out the post I put up directly after this one!