Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tacos: Simplicity

Tacos by CaptainShen
Tacos, a photo by CaptainShen on Flickr.
I maybe, sometimes, often over complicate things. For one of the Mark's Daily Apple contests that I really have my eye on, readers were asked to choose a recipe posted in a previous thread and take a photo of it. I just got back from a long trip out of state, so I had just above nothing in the kitchen. I had put some frozen beef in the fridge to thaw overnight (lucky move) and had a tiny head of cabbage in the fridge, as well as an avocado from the trip. Basically, I chose a recipe that looked extremely simple and required few ingredients. The one I found: Primal Tacos from Hollykelsey.

I used what I had and I whipped the rest up after a short bike ride to the Farmers Market and produce store. I made a few tweaks here and there, but didn't have high hopes for the recipe (no offense, Hollykelsey, read on!). I'm a Texan and I have made some seriously involved taco meat. I have put a lot of effort into past primal tacos, and with great results.

I am also, as it turns out, a naive and arrogant little chef.

These were AMAZING. This was GREAT. One of the best recipes I've ever made from a blog! It was so simple-- yet somehow, with the first bite-- I was left astounded, with a familiar burst of flavor dancing on my tongue. These, my friends, are TACOS!

Thanks MDA and Hollykelsey! You humble me (and fill me up).

Happy eating!

Note: The coconut sour cream is something I pride myself in and whipped up my own way. Coconut milk powder, creamed coconut, lemon juice, salt, and a sprinkling of garlic powder sat out on the counter during my ride to get ingredients and chilled in the fridge while I cooked.


Beddy9 said...

awesome - will try this. my problem lately has been portion control. everything i eat is as unprocessed as possible but i can't seem to stop! i know it's probably an emotional thing...i've always used food as a de-stresser but i've been blessed enough to never suffer the consequences -- until how (hello late 30s). any pointers are appreciated.

Shaleah said...

Hahaha, I love ya my friend, but I don't think I'm the best person to ask about how-to-stop-eating! I love good food and have been known to, after eating a meal, constantly whine "I'm SOOOO FUUUULL!!!"

...I too do not seem to have the will-power to eat and then stop!